B.E in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning


AI or Artificial Intelligence is one of the most in-demand technologies at the moment, it is used in a wide array of sectors like Science and Research, Cyber Security, Data Analysis, Gaming, Transport, Home systems and even in Healthcare. In the field of AI, you find machine learning, and AI specialised engineers are needed to make self-learning applications. AI is the starting point for disrup- tive change in the 21st Century revolutionis- ing the way we live, work and socialise.

If you’re looking for a successful career in developing reliable, complex and secure software systems that will redefine our future, a B.E in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning is the right choice for you!

Career Opportunities

With this degree, you can be a:

  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Scientist / Analyst
  • Artificial Intelligence Programmer
  • Business Development Manager
  • Software Engineer
  • Computer Vision Engineer

Department Vision

To become a premier Department in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to meet the future needs of the Society.

Department Mission

M1: To provide state of art infrastructure, academic excellence facilities and research with innovative ICT in AI&Ml.

M2: To provide hands on experience in the advanced tools and technologies in the field of expert systems and Neural Networks.

M3:To Collaborate Industry Institute Interaction and prepare students ready for the next generation technological needs of the society.

M4: To mould students into professionally competent, socially Responsible and ethically correct AI&ML Professional.

Typical Course Content

The course is 4 years long and each year has been divided into 2 semesters. The first two foundation years you will go through the basics of what Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence is, along with basics of Math, Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Programming in Python and so on. You will develop practical skills with extensive coursework and lab workshops. After the solid ground- ing in fundamentals, you move on to study more complex modules like Computer Organization, Software Engineering, Advanced AI and ML techniques, Natural Language Processing and Image Process- ing.

The AMC Difference

At AMC, you will get to work in some of the most well-equipped labs and to work on some of the most challenging, yet fun assignments. The curriculum is designed to help you find creative solutions but also to get the basics right. The faculty is supportive and always ready to help you with this challenging course. If you need extra classes, more lab time or more in-depth tutoring, they are always ready to help. Internships are offered to all students to get exposed to industry demands. AMC also trains you and prepares you to handle any real-world situation with ease. The in-house team of training officers along with renowned corporate trainers will help you develop analyti- cal, leadership and problem-solving skills to help you enhance your professional career.

HoD Profile
Centre of Excellence
Faculty Development Program

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